December 2017
July 2017
- PI for new grant Collaborative Research: Investigating Early Field Experiences for Prospective Mathematics Teachers through the UTE Model. Funded by NSF IUSE program. Collaborators F. Arbaugh (The Pennsylvania State University) and M. Cirillo (University of Delaware). Project Site.
- co-PI for new grant Promoting Productive Disciplinary Engagement and Learning with Open Problems and "Just-in-Time" Supports in Middle School Mathematics. Funded by NSF EHR Core program. PI E.Phillips (Michigan State) with co-PIs C. Dorsey (Concord Consortium), AJ Edson (Michigan State) & J. Krajcik (Michigan State). NCTM Showcase video.
August 2016
- co-PI for new grant Collaborative Research: Enhancing Middle Grades Students' Capacity to Develop and Communicate Their Mathematical Understanding of Big Ideas Using Digital Inscriptional Resources. Funded by NSF DRK-12 program. PI E.Phillips (Michigan State) with co-PIs C. Dorsey (Concord Consortium), AJ Edson (Michigan State) & J. Krajcik (Michigan State). NCTM Showcase video.
March 2016
Elected as Board Member At-Large for the Michigan Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (3 year term)
January 2016
Co-authored chapter for Second Handbook of Research on the Psychology of Mathematics Education entitled “Proof and Argumentation in Mathematics Education Research” with G. Stylianides and F. Morselli
September 2015
Bieda, K., Cavanna, J., & Ji, X. (2015). Mentor-guided lesson study as a tool to support learning in field experiences. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 4(1).
March 2015
Bieda, K., Sela, H. & Chazan, D. (2015). 'You are learning well my dear': Shifts in novice teachers' talk about teaching during their internship. Journal of Teacher Education, 66, 150-169.
February 2015
Beginning three-year term as associate editor of Mathematics Teacher Educator, working with editor Sandra Crespo
August 2014
- awarded grant through the NSF REAL program (#DRL-1420532, $1,499,472) to study the effects of beginning elementary teachers' school-based networks on their enactment of ambitious mathematics instruction in the Common Core era (Ken Frank, PI; Kristen Bieda, Serena Salloum, and Peter Youngs, co-PIs). This funding will expand our existing work funded by W.T. Grant Foundation to a larger study population, as well as allow for more qualitative data collection including participant interviews.
July 2014
- awarded tenure with promotion to the rank of Associate Professor at Michigan State University
June 2014
- accepted appointment as Associate Director for Mathematics Education with the CREATE for STEM Institute