April 2014
- received notification of research funding awarded by the WT Grant Foundation to study the effects of beginning elementary teachers' school-based networks on their enactment of ambitious mathematics instruction in the Common Core era with co-PIs Ken Frank, Peter Youngs, and Serena Salloum (2014-2017, $600,000)
Bieda, K., & Lepak, J. (2014). Are you convinced? Middle-grade students' evaluations of mathematical arguments. School Science and Mathematics, 114, 166-177.
March 2014
Bieda, K., Ji, X., Drwencke, J. & Picard, A. (2014). Reasoning and proving opportunities in elementary mathematics textbooks. International Journal of Education Research, 64, 71-80.
- Featured in a new special issue on "Reasoning-and-Proving in Mathematics Textbooks: From the Elementary to the University Level" published by the International Journal of Education Research
2014 Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education conference in Denver, CO
- presented a session to share results from pilot work and initial data collection for NSF-funded project "Transforming Developmental Mathematics in Partnership with Teacher Education". Link to full paper can be found here.
February 2014
Dr. Bieda has been selected as a 2014 MSU Teacher-Scholar Award recipient.
2014 Association for Mathematics Teacher Educators conference in Irvine, CA
- presented a session debuting a new book for teacher educators with cases focused on engaging prospective teachers in learning about inequities in mathematics classrooms with colleagues Dr. Dorothy White, Dr. Julia Aguirre, Dr. M. Lynn Breyfogle, Dr. Marta Civil, Dr. Sandra Crespo, Dr. Mathew Felton, Dr. Imani Goffney and Dr. Joi Spencer.
- presented as one of several LessonSketch Research and Development Fellows beginning work on rich media modules for engaging prospective teachers in learning about core teaching practices (with Dr. Daniel Chazan, Dr. Patricio Herbst, Dr. Sandra Crespo, Dr. Emina Alibegovic, and Dr. Lawrence Clark)
November 2013
Dr. Bieda presented work co-authored by Drs. Raven McCrory and Steven Wolf at MSU on pilot work for the Transforming Developmental Mathematics Education in Partnership with Teacher Preparation grant at the annual conference of the North American chapter for the Psychology of Mathematics Education conference held in Chicago. Link to PMENA proceedings paper; Link to slides from talk
Jillian Cavanna, doctoral student in the Program in Mathematics Education at MSU, and Dr. Bieda presented a talk entitled Developing Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching through Mentor-Guided Lesson Study. Link to PMENA proceedings paper; Link to slides from talk
September 2013
Dr. Bieda is the PI of a newly awarded NSF TUES (Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM) project entitled Transforming Developmental Mathematics Education in Partnership with Teacher Preparation. She will be working with Dr. Pavel Sikorskii (co-PI), Dr. Raven McCrory (co-PI) and Dr. Beth Herbel-Eisenmann (co-PI).
Dr. Bieda attended the 2013 World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) conference in Gothenburg, Sweden from September 6-9. Her presentation titled "Lesson Study as a Means of Building Capacity for Implementing the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice" can be accessed here.
August 2013
Dr. Bieda's research on reasoning-and-proving in elementary mathematics textbooks in the journal International Journal of Education Research is now available for an early view online
July 2013
Dr. Bieda facilitated two workshops on the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice at the 2013 Michigan Council for Teachers of Mathematics conference in Traverse City, Michigan. You can download the powerpoint from the grade 3-5 session and the powerpoint from the grade 6-8 session.